10 Benefits Of Coconut Oil For Dog’s!

Source:  www.everydayroots.com

Source: www.everydayroots.com


1.  Itchy Dry Skin From Allergies:  Some claim that coconut oil cured their dog’s allergies completely.  Whether it cures them completely or just helps drastically it’s worth trying!  Apply coconut oil topically to help soothe dry and irritated skin including hot spots.  Also start adding it to your dogs daily diet.  Start by adding  ½ teaspoon a day and slowly increase to 1 tablespoon for dogs over 40 lbs, and 1-2 teaspoons for dogs that weigh less. They usually go crazy for it!

2.  Soothe Fly Bites:  Just dab a little on your pets fly bites and it will provide amazing relief!
3.  Cracked Paw Pads:  Rub coconut oil on your dog’s dry or cracked paws to moisten them.  The hardest thing about this is keeping your dog from licking the coconut oil off!
4.  Cleaning Your Dog’s Ears:  After Wiping your dog’s ears clean with a cotton ball, gently rub coconut oil onto the skin to keep the ears clean, itch-free and comfortable!
4.  Soothe Your Dog’s Dry Nose:  Rub some coconut oil onto your dog’s nose if it is dry or cracked.  This works especially good for dogs with short noses who are more prone to having a dry nose!
5.  Give your Dog’s Coat A Healthy Shine:  Add 2 teaspoons for dogs under 30 lbs and 1 tablespoon for dogs over 30 lbs to their daily diet.  Start slowly and work up to the full dosage over the course of a week.
6.  Digestive Problems:  Add coconut oil to your dog’s diet to aid in digestive issues such as inflammatory bowel syndrome and colitis.  It also aids in nutrient absorption.
7.  Bad Breath:  Adding coconut oil to your dog’s daily diet can help regulate and eliminate bad breath!  Add 2 teaspoons for dogs under 30 lbs and 1 tablespoon for dogs over 30 lbs to their daily diet.  Start slowly and work up to the full dosage over the course of a week.
8.  Heals Cuts:  Coconut oil disinfects cuts and promotes healing.  Simply dab it on the cut.  Note – Some dogs do try to lick it off because they love the taste!
9.  Arthritis and Ligament Issues:  Coconut oil can help aid in arthritis and ligament issues. Add 2 teaspoons for dogs under 30 lbs and 1 tablespoon for dogs over 30 lbs to their daily diet.  Start slowly and work up to the full dosage over the course of a week.
10.  Improves Immune System:  Coconut Oil contains antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-fungal agents that prevent infection and disease.  Adding Coconut oil to your dog’s daily diet can help regulate and balance insulin and promote normal thyroid function.  It can also help prevent or control diabetes.  Add 2 teaspoons for dogs under 30 lbs and 1 tablespoon for dogs over 30 lbs to their daily diet.  Start slowly and work up to the full dosage over the course of a week.  

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